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Grocery Day!

Obligatory kid photo  No one else ever seems as excited about grocery day as I am. It has always been a day to look forward to, but maybe it is because I go about it in a different manner than most. I wouldn’t dream of 

I Made A Pledge: How About You?

Homegrown Across America, is fast becoming my obsession. Within my own town, I share the info at every opportunity, and practically plead with members of my community to take a look.  Today, I made a pledge to become a financial backer on Kickstarter.com. If you 

Wild salad

This is a lovely Wild Food salad, that someone brought to the Homeschool prom yesterday. Isn’t it pretty? It had delicious violets, wild garlic, and lambs quarters in the mix. So awesome to see wild bits on the menu.

Harvesting Wild Nettles


How to harvest wild nettles. This harvest ended up as a saute of bacon, garlic and nettles, dressed with a bit of olive oil at the end. Delish!

Snail Mail is Awesome

This lovely surprise was waiting outside my door today. First I will devour the gorgeous photography and then the words. Who needs sleep?

Thrift Store Love

This is how much fun shopping at thrift stores can be. For 15.00$ I found this vintage play kitchen. Bekah is in love, and I am enjoying her baby chatter as I work. In other news, my office resembles a daycare.