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Farmhouse Recipes

Homestyle recipes from appetizers to main dishes and desserts. Learn how to fill your pantry with foods you make from scratch.



Rosemary, scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis, is not just a culinary staple but a plant steeped in history and lore. Originating from the Mediterranean region, this perennial herb is celebrated for its needle-like leaves and woody aroma, evoking memories of garden freshness and culinary delight. 

Herbs for Allergy Relief

Herbs for Allergy Relief

Navigating through allergy season can be a daunting task for many. The sneezing, watery eyes, and constant itch can drive anyone to distraction. Fortunately, Mother Nature offers a bounty of herbs that can help alleviate these symptoms. Today, let’s talk about some herbs for allergy relief like Nettle, Rosemary, Pearly Everlasting, Goldenrod, and a few others that are not only effective but can also thrive in your garden or the wild.



Nettle, often overlooked and undervalued, is a treasure trove of health benefits and culinary potential. As a fervent advocate for the wonders of plants, I want to share why nettle has captured my heart



Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is not just your average herb. With roots deeply entrenched in the Mediterranean soil, it has journeyed through centuries, from ancient Egypt to Roman baths, and now to our modern kitchens and medicine cabinets. Its rich history is matched only by its complex flavor profile, making it a staple in culinary and herbal traditions around the world.



Yarrow, known scientifically as Achillea millefolium, is a versatile and resilient herb, celebrated for its myriad of uses in traditional herbalism, gardening, and even in folklore.

Butterfly Pea

Butterfly Pea

Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea), a plant as enchanting as its namesake, carries a plethora of surprises within its vivid blue petals. This tropical vine, belonging to the Fabaceae family, is not only cherished for its striking appearance but also for its multifaceted use in culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic applications.

Tea For Imbolc

Tea For Imbolc

Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st, marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s a time when the first signs of spring gently nudge the earth awake. In many traditions, Imbolc is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, revered for her connection to fire, healing, and poetry.

Heal-All: Prunella Vulgaris

Heal-All: Prunella Vulgaris

Nestled in meadows, lawns, and wild spaces, Heal-All, or Prunella vulgaris, is a perennial herb that’s been a staple in traditional medicine across the globe. It’s a member of the mint family, but unlike its more famous relatives, it doesn’t shout for attention. Yet, its uses and benefits are remarkable, earning it names like ‘Self-Heal’ and ‘All Heal’.

Winter Embrace: Herbal Tea Blend

Winter Embrace: Herbal Tea Blend

Winter Embrace herbal tea blend is perfect to get us through what seems like the longest part of the winter season. Give it a try!



Historically, Catnip was a go-to herb in traditional European medicine. It was used for everything from treating colic in babies to being a kitchen staple. There’s an old saying, “If you set it, the cats will eat it; if you sow it, the cats won’t know it.” This saying hints at Catnip’s dual nature – both a playful treat for cats and a valuable herb for humans.