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Review: LetPot LPH-Max Hydroponics Growing System

Review: LetPot LPH-Max Hydroponics Growing System

The LetPot LPH-Max 21 has some serious upgrades for your indoor garden. Growing indoors has always been part of my gardening life. Even when I lived off-grid, I brought plants into the cabin and switched them out frequently to keep my kitchen herbs at my fingertips. Through the years, I have tried many brands of indoor gardens. Some were great and some were simply not realistic for long-term use.

Review: The Filter Bubble

Review: The Filter Bubble

The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web Is Changing What We Read and How We Think by Eli Pariser is a must-read for those interested in understanding the influence of the digital era on our information consumption and its impact on our perspectives.

Review: Herbal Antibiotics-Stephen Harrod Buhner

Review: Herbal Antibiotics-Stephen Harrod Buhner

In the world of herbal medicine, Stephen Harrod Buhner’s “Herbal Antibiotics” emerges as a groundbreaking guide that transcends traditional boundaries of health and healing. Buhner, with his profound understanding and respect for the natural world, embarks on a mission to reintroduce the ancient wisdom of herbal remedies, especially in the battle against resistant bacterial infections where conventional medicine often finds itself at a loss.