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Thrift Store Love

This is how much fun shopping at thrift stores can be. For 15.00$ I found this vintage play kitchen. Bekah is in love, and I am enjoying her baby chatter as I work. In other news, my office resembles a daycare.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Jello!

Yes, yes. I know the whole story about eating whole foods, local produce and buying from small farms. Heck, of course I do ( Its my life!) However, like any good intention, I do think we get a little too nutso about it. Although we 

There’s Something About Muffins

Orange Cranberry Muffins There was a bakery back in Ogunquit Maine, that sold the most delicous muffins. They were photo perfect, and the size of 1/2 loaf of bread (ok may be not THAT big). You could easily share one with a friend and both 

Wild Food: Walking Onions

Photo Flickr user kusine A few years ago, friends of ours gave me a handful of Walking Onion bulbs. She had casually broken them off as we stood talking by my car. I threw them into the bucket of other goodies we had been gathering 

Egyptian Walking Onions

Egyptian Walking Onions

Photo Flickr user kusine A few years ago, friends of ours gave me a handful of Walking Onion bulbs. She had casually broken them off as we stood talking by my car. I threw them into the bucket of other goodies we had been gathering 

No Worries

No worries, dear farming wives. I am simply moving my beloved site over to WordPress..Thanks for your patience and wait until you see what’s in store for 2012. (edit 2-24-2012) Yea! All my old posts are tucked in to their new home! Have a look 

Why You Need Kitchen Scales

Why You Need Kitchen Scales

When you love those old cookbooks, and start digging deeperfor recipes, sometimes you need a little bit of help. I have something that istruly a must have for anyone who wants to play with their food in  a more serious way. A kitchen scale. The 

Do Not Be Afraid Of Cooking

Do Not Be Afraid Of Cooking

Do not be afraid of cooking. Get creative and don’t be worried about failure.

My Favorite Pantry Item

Of all the things in my pantry, I think flour is myfavorite pantry item. Why?  Flour is used for so many fabulous things and it isthe basis for most of my scratch cooking. I can make sweet, savory, hearty,fried, crispy and smooth/creamy-all with flour. My 

My Family Hates My Tamales

I tried to cook something new tonight and it was an abjectfailure: Tamales. The wound is still fresh but let me explain. I found a simple recipe for shredded chicken tamales and wasable to work the cornhusks and dried chilies, and tamale masa into the