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Homemade Breakfast Sausage

Homemade Breakfast Sausage

Making breakfast sausage is one of those unsung recipes that anyone can do. It’s always tastier than anything you buy, and you can tweak the ingredients just how your family likes it. I recommend mixing, making a little patty and frying it up to see how you did.

Coriander Crusted Haddock with Citrus Soy Glaze

Coriander Crusted Haddock with Citrus Soy Glaze

I don’t know about you, but here in Maine, we eat a lot of haddock. I like to try new flavors to make each dish different from the last so we don’t get tired of it. This recipe started as one for Tuna steaks. Who can afford that? Especially on a writer’s budget for a family? Not this girl. Anyhow, it’s luscious with haddock. You have to give it a try! Haddock, being a more delicate fish than tuna, will cook quicker and offer a slightly different, but equally delicious, flavor profile.

Fennel and Orange Salad

Fennel and Orange Salad

Fennel has always been a garden favorite of mine. It’s just so ‘odd’ when it grows as a feathery, wispy thing, then into a sturdy bulb and beautiful flowers. I also love that you can start using Fennel pretty early on in the growth cycle. Snipping off leaves and then leaves and stems. Finally, the rewarding bulb at the end of the growth cycle. They all have that distinctive anise flavor. It’s such a fun herb to grow.

Fennel pairs beautifully with oranges. Here is a way to use up your lovely bulbs and it’s simple to prepare.

Lemon Rosemary Coffee Cake

Lemon Rosemary Coffee Cake

Remember when you were a child and woke up to the scent of something delicious baking? This is a lovely herbal twist on a more traditional coffee cake, and rosemary with lemon makes a delightful pairing.

Sourdough Pancakes

Sourdough Pancakes

Sourdough pancakes are light and tangy, perfect for adding luscious toppings like fruit or berry sauce. My daughter asked for chocolate chip pancakes and I will be making plenty of these so she can indulge as well as have some in the fridge for snacking.

Creamy Wild Mushroom and Thyme Soup

Creamy Wild Mushroom and Thyme Soup

Mushrooms are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. I like to add them to all the dishes I can. As I am not a mushroom expert, I rely on buying them, but we are lucky enough to have numerous farmers markets where mushroom vendors have a wide variety to offer.

Tea Time: Red Raspberry Leaf

Tea Time: Red Raspberry Leaf

Red Raspberry leaves, or RRL, are a versatile and nutritious herb with a rich history. These leaves have been cherished for their tannin content, making them an excellent base for homemade herbal tea, especially for women’s health.

This Herbal Tea Blend to Celebrate the New Year

This Herbal Tea Blend to Celebrate the New Year

As the New Year approaches, many of us look for ways to mark the occasion with meaning and intention. This year, why not welcome the new beginnings with a special, homemade herbal tea blend?

Homemade Peanut Brittle

Homemade Peanut Brittle

It’s Christmas Eve and you want to make something sweet and a little different. Enter homemade peanut brittle. This confection, a perfect balance of sweet and salty, is well-loved and always appreciated on the farm.

Homemade Chocolate Syrup

Homemade Chocolate Syrup

Rich and chocolaty, homemade chocolate syrup is perfect for that glass of milk or over ice cream. You won’t need to buy it from the store ever again!