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Thanksgiving countdown Day 7: Gratitude Jar Printable

Thanksgiving countdown Day 7: Gratitude Jar Printable

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 7 is a free Gratitude Jar printable.

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 8: Get out the Bread Machine

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 8: Get out the Bread Machine

It’s not just for collecting dust in the cupboard, having a bread machine is such a great way to save space and cleanup! I use my bread machine mostly for making dough. It’s the perfect proofing container, and it keeps all the mess contained in 

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 9: Pie Crust

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 9: Pie Crust

There’s something magical about homemade pies, especially when you have a crust that never lets you down. Today, I’m thrilled to share my Never Fail Pie crust recipe with you. Trust me, this recipe is a game-changer – easy enough for beginners and so reliable 

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 10-Embracing Kitchen Gadgets

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 10-Embracing Kitchen Gadgets

Embrace your kitchen gadgets for a stress-free holiday!

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 11 Coloring Pages

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 11 Coloring Pages

Click on the image above to download the free PDF Day 11 in the Thanksgiving Countdown is for the kids. Well, I love doing simple crafts too, but I find myself buying all the things I need and never taking the time to do them; 

Thanksgiving Master Grocery List

Thanksgiving Master Grocery List

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 12: Make this Thanksgiving more about family and less about stress; Make a grocery list!

Thanksgiving Menu Printable

Thanksgiving Menu Printable

Day 13 in the countdown to Thanksgiving means Menu Planning. Print this FREE Menu Planner and organize your holiday meal!

Thanksgiving Helpers 2023

Thanksgiving Helpers 2023

It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Thanksgiving is just a marathon cooking event for me the same way that other people feel about their hobbies. I turn to the kitchen when I am stressed or just trying to get my thoughts together. 

Crockpot Herbal Chicken Soup

Crockpot Herbal Chicken Soup

Waking up to a frosty morning on our Maine farm is the unofficial signal—crockpot season has arrived! There’s something so comforting about setting up dinner while the house is still quiet. By the time everyone’s up, the aroma filling the kitchen is like a cozy 

Sip into Fall: A Cozy Herbal Tea Blend

Sip into Fall: A Cozy Herbal Tea Blend

Fall is upon us. Enjoy a cozy herbal tea blend you can make yourself!